A new Government presents new opportunities

2 min read

Well, here we go with a new chapter in British politics.

There's a new Government and, in my nearly 14 years at Brain Tumour Research, it will be the first time that I'll be seeking to engage with a Labour Government.
There will be new Secretaries of State for Health and Science and the corridors of Westminster will soon be filled with new MPs.
The new Secretaries of State can expect letters from us to drop onto their desks and pop into their inboxes very soon ( we will make them available for you to read on our website too) and we will be in touch with appropriate ministers as soon as the full ministerial teams are announced.

As for the new intake we have already changed our assets on the campaigning webpages to include a template letter for you to send, by post or email, to your new, or returned, MP and also a Tweet you can use to attract their attention.

We will of course be undertaking an outreach to all MPs, informing them of why we campaign and how they can support the Brain Tumour Research cause,  but, as I wrote last week, what is now so vital is that  you let us know if there is something specific about your MP that may make them more likely to support us.

This could be having worked in the NHS or having a scientific background, perhaps they have declared their own personal cancer stories or have been affected by premature loss – all of this information will help us draw up a list of key Westminster 'targets'.

As I also pointed out last week, but I'd like to re-iterate today, progress made over the last Government, the meetings with ministers, the debate in the main chamber, the APPGBT report and more, won't be lost but new relationships will now need to be established and your help in pointing us in the right direction will be invaluable.

Remember our campaigning mantra; 'People cannot support a cause unless they know it exists' - brain tumours exist, a cure does not, we will campaign until it does.

So today is a day to relish the challenge and plan to seize the opportunity - the personnel may have changed but our vision remains the same and that transcends party politics.

Good luck to our new elected representatives and to our new Government - you'll be hearing from us.

There will be the usual campaigning update next Friday which will be a chance to reflect on the new cabinet set up plus report back on events away from Westminster. 

Wishing you all a peaceful time until then.

Hugh and Thomas

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