APPG on brain tumours

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours (APPGBT) was established in 2005 to raise awareness of the issues facing the brain tumour community in order to improve research, diagnosis, information, support, treatment and care outcomes.

Since 2005, MPs and Peers from across the political spectrum have worked together in supporting the brain tumour community, researchers, clinicians and most importantly, patients and their families.

The APPGBT came into being after a group of founding charities of Brain Tumour Research had worked tirelessly to raise the need for more research into brain tumours up the political agenda

APPGBT Reports

On 28th February 2023 the APPGBT launched its landmark inquiry report Pathway to a Cure – breaking down the barriers demanding action to make brain tumour research a “critical priority”.

Download the report

In October 2022 Brain Tumour Research conducted a Patient Survey to support the APPGBT Inquiry: Pathway to a Cure – breaking down the barriers October 2022.

Download the report

In early 2018, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours (APPGBT) launched its first-ever Inquiry.

This evidence was compiled and published in a report entitled 'Brain Tumours - a cost too much to bear?'.

Download the report

APPGBT Meetings

APPGBT members meet throughout the parliamentary calendar to discuss current policy issues, hear from expert speakers and listen to members of the brain tumour community.

APPGBT Briefings to Parliamentarians

In support of APPGBT members, MPs and Peers across Parliament, we publish briefings tailored to each meeting’s specific policy issue.

These documents inform MPs and other activists of the latest developments in our campaigning.

Download your copy of each briefing using the links below:

February 2024: Briefing to Parliamentarians

November 2023: Tumour surgery, Vorasidenib, Siobhain McDonagh and updates

July 2023: Remembering Amani - a legacy of change

November 2022: Tumour Treating Fields, Symptom Awareness and Inquiry Update

March 2022: Pathway to a Cure inquiry update

December 2021: Why we need a cure

July 2021: Pathway to a cure – breaking down the barriers

May 2021: AGM – A review of the year and next steps

March 2021: The pathway to excellence for all

November 2020: Reducing the social and economic burden of brain tumours

July 2020: Working together to keep the research going

July 2019: A year of driving change and exploring innovation on brain tumours

June 2019: Innovation in brain tumour treatment

March 2019: With more funding for research into brain tumours are advances being made?

November 2018: Brain tumours - a cost too much to bear?

APPGBT Officers

With the APPG now registered, we are looking forward to working alongside our new members, as well as returning MPs and members of the House of Lords who are continuing their support. We particularly welcome the election of Dame Siobhain McDonagh MP as chair.

Dame Siobhain, whose sister Margaret died from a glioblastoma (GBM) last year, told us: “As an MP, and as a sister who has campaigned for a pathway to better, kinder treatments for UK brain tumour patients – and of course for there to be more of them, I am very happy to take up this position as Chair of the APPGBT. With this position comes a real sense of wanting to drive things forward, to make change and to do things differently. Where we are currently isn’t good enough and as Chair, alongside our Officers and Members, our group is determined to deliver real impact. Our mission is too important not to.”

Dame Siobhain McDonagh MP - Chair, Labour

Sarah Owen MP - Officer, Labour

Mims Davies MP - Officer, Conservative

The Lord Polak CBE - Officer, Conservative

The Rt Hon Sir Stephen Timms MP - Member, Labour

The Rt Hon John McDonnell MP  - Member, Labour

Ben Lake MP - Member, Plaid Cymru

Monica Harding MP - Member, Liberal Democrat

Greg Smith MP - Member, Conservative

Nadia Whittome MP - Member, Labour

Rebecca Harris MP - Member, Conservative

Daisy Cooper MP - Member, Liberal Democrat

The Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP - Member, Liberal Democrat

Helen Hayes MP - Member, Labour

James Cartlidge - Member, Conservative

Mike Amesbury MP - Member, Labour

Lord Carlile of Berriew - Member,

The Rt Hon Baroness Morgan of Cotes - Member, Conservative

Tom Rutland MP - Member, Labour

Helena Dollimore MP  - Member, Labour

Dierdre Costigan MP - Member, Labour

Bill Esterson MP  - Member, Labour

Charlie Maynard MP - Member Liberal Democrat

APPGBT Minutes

APPGBT Secretariat

The Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours is provided by Brain Tumour Research. The Secretariat receives assistance from Brevia Consulting for the purposes of organising meetings.