HELP... is on the other end of the phone
Some of our fellow charities have set up a helpline for patients and families of those touched with a brain tumour -- we thought you'd like to know who they are and how you can contact them for brain tumour support.

Brain & Spine Foundation
The Brain & Spine Foundation helpline is a service run by neuroscience nurses. The helpline covers all brain and spine conditions from fairly common to the very rare and can offer information and support on any medical or related social and emotional issues of concern.Helpline number: 0800 808 1000

brainstrust supports patients at the point of diagnosis, or at any point on this hard journey. They give practical advice about what you can do to take control of the situation, whether you are the person diagnosed with a brain tumour or a caring friend or relative. Advice is geared to each individual case and is based on a wealth of experience working with the brain tumour community, both in the UK and internationally. Brainstrust have now launched useful help directories for specific areas -- The Little White Book. Guides are currently available for four areas of the UK, with more on the way! Find out more on their website and download the guide for your area below:
Merseyside / Greater London / South East Scotland / Glasgow
Please call 01983 292405 or email You will receive a response within twelve hours, but a response is often immediate.