Aaron's Army

1 min read

Our amazing family of Fundraising Groups

Championing the fight against brain tumours and raising thousands for our cause, helping us build network of experts in sustainable research at dedicated Centres of Excellence and supporting us as we influence the Government and larger cancer charities to invest more nationally.

Aaron's Army

Having been told by more than one hospital doctor that he had Bell’s Palsy, Aaron Wharton was eventually diagnosed with a grade 3 anaplastic ependymoma aged four in 2020 after he developed a droop on the left side of his face, started randomly being sick and was tripping over a lot. He spent 10 weeks in hospital undergoing two surgeries and developed meningitis twice. He also underwent proton beam therapy and chemotherapy. At times, his parents were optimistic that his treatment was working, but tragically, three years after his diagnosis, in April 2023, they lost their only child at the age of seven.

This Fundraising Group has been set up to create a legacy for Aaron and to raise funds for research as well as greater awareness of the desperate need for more effective treatments and ultimately a cure for those affected by brain tumours. Of seven children diagnosed with brain tumours in the family’s community since Aaron was diagnosed, just two still survive.


Read Aaron's story

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