Make a dedication this Brain Tumour Awareness Month

1 min read

This March, dedicate a donation to your loved one and help us fund the fight.

As part of our programme of activities to mark Brain Tumour Awareness Month, we have created a special dedication page where you can pay tribute to your loved ones and remember all those lost to this devastating disease, as well as show your support for those living with a brain tumour. You can share your loved one’s name and a photograph, alongside a special message.

The family of Kasper McMullen have made a dedication after the two-year-old was diagnosed with an ependymoma brain tumour in July 2020. He underwent a 14-hour surgery which removed 99% of the satsuma-sized tumour, but complications meant that he needed further operations. Kasper is now undergoing chemotherapy and his family have shared a dedication in his name to raise awareness.

His dad, Paul, said: “Kasper first displayed symptoms in January 2020, but it wasn’t until six months later that he was diagnosed with a brain tumour. If we had been more aware of the signs, he might have been diagnosed earlier and maybe our experience would have been different. We can’t change what happened to us, but if we can make a difference for other families, that’s really important. Kasper has been through so much, but he’s really fighting. He’s an amazing little boy.”

We’d like this to become a tribute to all those affected by this disease. Please donate and share your dedication to help us fill the page with heartfelt messages for those dear to us.

To make a dedication, click here.

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