Make our voice heard
Watch our campaigning update here.
With a new Government in July 2024 we have a great opportunity to come together as the Brain Tumour Research community and use our collective voice to draw attention to the issues that matter to us namely the need to do things differently if we are to improve options and outcomes for UK brain tumour patients.
We must make sure that those representing us in the new Parliament hear loud and clear that their constituents want action on the biggest cancer killer of children and adults
under the age of 40.

We will mobilise our campaigning
database and attract new campaigners across the UK to contact their new MPs and canvass their support for the commitments as set out in our ‘It Is Time To Do Things Differently” manifesto.
Our key ask for our campaigners is to encourage their MPs to agree to declare brain tumours a clinical priority and now they have been elected approach improving options and outcomes for brain tumour patients with appropriate urgency