Meg’s moving mountains to find a cure

1 min read

A woman, whose six-year-old niece died from an aggressive brain tumour, is setting herself the challenge to climb 12 mountains in 12 months.

Carys Bradshaw was diagnosed with a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) in January 2017. Her diagnosis came after she suffered painful headaches. A scan revealed the devastating news that there was a mass growing in the pons area of her brain stem which was inoperable, due to its location. Carys died just 15 months later in April 2018.

Now, Carys’ aunt, Meg Williams, is raising money for Brain Tumour Research in memory of her beloved niece. Her year-long challenge, nicknamed ‘Meg’s Mountains’ has already seen Meg take on Pen y Fan in Wales and High Willhays and Yes Tor in Dartmoor, so far climbing a combined height of 2,126 metres.

Meg said: “We were told the life expectancy of a child diagnosed with this type of tumour was about a year. Despite the difficult experience of this diagnosis and treatment, Carys remained happy and giggly throughout this time. She was always an absolute joy to be around.

“I knew I would do something to raise money and didn’t feel ready to do that for a little while. Then with COVID over the last couple of years, it hit home that I had spent so much time inside not being able to do anything and you just never know how much time you have. I chose to climb mountains to get outside and explore the UK countryside more and it seemed fitting as, the saying goes, heaven is a little bit closer at the top of a mountain.”

To help Meg reach her £3,000 target, please donate here:


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