Cancer charities call on Prime Minister to take action

2 min read

Brain Tumour Research has joined more than 60 cancer charities in launching a petition calling for action to improve outcomes for people affected by cancer.

It comes after the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Steve Barclay last week announced that the 10-Year Cancer Plan would be scrapped, along with separate plans for mental health and dementia treatments. It will be replaced by a Major Conditions Strategy and will combine efforts on various diseases, with no special emphasis placed on cancer.

In response, One Cancer Voice – a collaborative group of more than 60 cancer charities – has launched a petition calling for the Prime Minister to commit to taking action to dramatically improve the experience and outcomes for people affected by cancer and to deliver world-class cancer services, as promised. The petition urges the PM to ensure that the cancer content within the Major Conditions Strategy is ambitious, fully funded and incorporates the evidence already provided by the cancer community.

In discussions with its colleagues at One Cancer Voice, Brain Tumour Research has raised concerns that the new combined strategy will be far less focused on research. Innovation and adequately-funded discovery science is essential in finding a pathway to a cure for brain tumours. Research into brain tumours must not be left behind.

Sue Farrington Smith MBE, our Chief Executive, said: “We are disappointed that the Government has chosen to combine cancer in a Major Conditions Strategy and concerned that cancer-specific plans will be watered down. We are now calling on the Government to commit to a longer-term strategy for cancer, focusing on transforming cancer research, diagnosis, treatment and patient experience, and improve outcomes for brain tumour patients and for all cancer patients.”

Sign the petition here:

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