Will my offline donations be added to my Facebook Fundraiser page?

1 min read

No, Facebook only shows donations collected on their platform on your Facebook Fundraiser. But don’t panic! We can attribute the funds you have raised outside of Facebook to you and your personal fundraising total.

To do this, when donating via the paying in page here: https://www.braintumourresearch.org/100-star-jumps-paying-in we require you and your donors to reference your name and the 100 Squats or Star Jumps a Day in November Challenge in the comments box so our finance team can allocate them correctly. If this is done, our finance team will be able to attribute your offline donations along with your Facebook Fundraiser to give you a combined final total at the end of your challenge.

Don’t forget – if you raise £274 or more in donations (both Facebook and offline) you will receive a FREE special medal in December. 
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