What if I have opened a Facebook Fundraiser for another charity?

1 min read

If you have set up your Facebook Fundraiser for a different charity, don’t worry! Please end that fundraiser and set up a new one for Brain Tumour Research here: https://givp.nl/erf/k0keLSDE

Remember to include ‘100 Squats or Star Jumps a Day in November Challenge’ in your title and edit your end date to be 7th December 2022 if not done already.

Once you have set up your Facebook Fundraiser for Brain Tumour Research, completed the sign-up form and got your first donation on your Facebook Fundraiser page, your FREE emoji t-shirt and printed tracker will be sent to you. 

Important, please read in full: If you have already received donations on your Facebook Fundraiser for a different charity, please contact them and ask them to send the money to Brain Tumour Research. Please ensure the charity references your name and states that the funds were raised for the ‘100 Squats or Star Jumps a Day in November Challenge’ when they send the money, so we can attribute these funds to you and include in your overall fundraising total. Please send them this link: https://www.braintumourresearch.org/100-star-jumps-paying-in to pay us the funds.

The other charity will receive those funds after you’ve closed the Facebook Fundraiser. They are the only ones who can send it to us on your behalf. 

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