Firstly, we want to let you know how much we appreciate all the effort our supporters are putting in right now, particularly in the current climate. It’s a difficult time for everyone and we do really appreciate any donations that we receive, whatever their value.
We understand the desire to purchase a medal. However, this currently isn’t possible. This is due to our policy of recognising those who raise £274, which represents 10% of the cost of a day’s research at one of our Brain Tumour Research Centres of Excellence. Those who go on to raise £2,740 to sponsor a full day of research at on of our Research Centres have the opportunity to place a tile on our Wall of Hope. In addition, we find many of our supporters enjoy having a donation target and a reward for meeting this goal.
We understand some of you may be disappointed by this, however, we hope that the FREE emoji t-shirt and printed tracker you can receive will also be a great reminder of your amazing achievement along with the difference you’ve made to the cause, whether you wear it or keep it as a souvenir from taking part.
We hope you understand. Thank you once again and best of luck with the challenge.