Teeing off in Paul’s memory

2 min read

More than 100 golfers clubbed together  as part of a charity golf day raising funds for Brain Tumour Research.

The event, which took place at Sleaford Golf Club on Friday, was in memory of Paul Walden who died from a brain tumour in November 2020, aged 57. It was organised by Paul’s friends, Stephen Spring, Mark Heale, Ian Tyler and Ian Evison, and featured 30 teams of four players.

Ian Tyler, who lost his dad, Geoff, to a brain tumour in 2008, said: “Paul’s death came as a huge shock to everyone who knew him. He was a top bloke, always smiling and having a laugh and he was known by so many people. Fifty-seven is such a young age to die.”

It was the second such event the group has organised. Last year, their first charity golf day raised more than £9,000 for Brain Tumour Research.

Stephen (pictured left with Stuart Walker, Paul Walden and Jonny Graves) said: “We’re trying to raise as much money as we can. Paul liked his golf, and he was a decent player, so this is a good way to remember him. Brain tumours are devastating so we want to do what we can to help find a cure.”

To donate to support the golf day, please visit: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/wallyscharitygolfday


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