Patient feedback for APPG inquiry

1 min read

In our role as secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours (APPGBT), Brain Tumour Research is conducting a patient survey and inviting you to take part.

The survey is aimed at helping us understand the experiences and thoughts on the clinical pathway of UK brain tumour patients and their families. It asks participants to consider questions such as:

  • What do you feel about the levels of research funding?
  • Were you or a loved one given the option to join a clinical trial?
  • Have you thought about travelling, or actually travelled, abroad for treatment?

This survey can be completed by patients, by family members  on behalf of patients or by those who have lost someone to the disease.

Responses will feed into the APPGBT’s inquiry into brain tumour research. The inquiry seeks to move from ‘talk to action’ and focus on solutions rather than problems. Key areas of focus will include early-stage research, novel drug delivery and development, and clinical trials.

Provisionally titled Pathway to a Cure – breaking down the barriers, the inquiry aims to provide clear recommendations and an action plan to address these barriers. It will culminate in a written report which is planned for launch in early 2023.

Your feedback from the survey will support the development of the inquiry report.

To read and complete this important patient survey, click here. The deadline to submit your responses is midnight on Sunday 23rd October.


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