How will we find a cure for childhood brain tumours?

1 min read

Did you know:

  • Brain tumours kill more children than any other type of cancer
  • One in three children who die of cancer are killed by a brain tumour
  • Brain tumours kill more children than leukaemia

This Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we are highlighting these shocking facts and the devastating impact of childhood brain tumours.

Too many of you in our community know only too well the devastation caused by a brain tumour diagnosis. Throughout September, we are working with families affected by this devastating disease who are bravely sharing their stories to raise vital awareness. 

Grace was just 12 when she died from a glioblastoma (GBM) last month. It followed a year-long battle after she was diagnosed with a brain tumour following a routine optician appointment.

Following his diagnosis with a medulloblastoma, Rayhan (pictured) underwent four surgeries and six weeks of radiotherapy. Tragically, he died during his first course of chemotherapy on 7th April 2018. He was just four years old.

And Roux’s family is looking forward to him starting nursery after a gruelling treatment regime which has seen the two-year-old undergo 13 operations and the toddler now lives with epilepsy. It’s a day the family will celebrate after their terrifying ordeal following Roux’s brain tumour diagnosis at just four weeks.

You can read their stories on our Childhood Cancer Awareness Month webpage, where you will also find out about the pioneering research being undertaken at our Centres of Excellence which will get us closer to a cure.

Please support our vital work to get closer to a cure for all types of brain tumours, including those which affect children, by donating what you can today.

Visit our Childhood Cancer Awareness Month page.

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