Cricketers set to complete 1,875-mile challenge

1 min read

An amazing team of cricketers is reaching the end of a month-long challenge to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research. 

Members of the Watsonian Cricket Club (WCC) challenged themselves to run and cycle a total of 1,875 miles throughout the month of April. The distance was chosen as the club was founded in 1875.

They were inspired to support Brain Tumour Research after the epic fundraising efforts of Craig Wallace and Ali Evans, who completed a #Cycle4Con challenge last October. The pedalling pair biked 672 miles in seven days to fundraise in memory of their Cricket Scotland teammate Con de Lange, who passed away from a brain tumour, aged 38.

Speaking to Cricket Scotland, Andrew Chalmers, Director of Cricket at WCC, said: “Watsonians and myself had some great tussles on the field with Con over the years and he was always a great guy to chat to after those games in the bar afterwards.

“When he passed away in April 2019 it shocked the whole Scottish cricketing community, but seeing what Craig and Ali did planted a seed in my mind around how our club could help the cause.

“I chatted to a few of our senior players and we decided that it would be great to do something during April to raise further awareness for Brain Tumour Research whilst also getting some miles in the legs ahead of cricket coming back.”

With just one day left of their April fundraising challenge, the team has raised more than £1,000. If you would like to sponsor them, please click here to visit their JustGiving page.

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