Brain tumour patient cycling more than 900 miles

2 min read

A brain tumour patient is cycling the length of the UK to help find a cure for the disease.

Edward Cox discovered he had a brain tumour, later confirmed to be a glioblastoma (GBM), after he fell off his bike whilst cycling in the Peak District in 2019. Five years on from his diagnosis, Ed is cycling from John O’Groats to Land’s End to raise money for Brain Tumour Research.

Following an awake craniotomy which lasted more than six hours, Ed had radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment.

Ed said: “My recovery from surgery went well and a month later, the same day as our daughter Martha began Year 1 at school, I started six weeks of radiotherapy and thereafter six months of chemotherapy. Since April 2021, I have had regular MRI scans, and, so far, they have been stable, although I have been left with short-term memory problems, fatigue and an inability to read – which is challenging at times!”

Two of Ed’s friends, Adam Sessions and Jon Silver, are joining him on his epic 14-day ride, which they started on Friday 30th August.

Ed, pictured (top centre) with Jon (left) and Adam (right), added: “Before I was diagnosed, I knew next to nothing about brain tumours, so it was a very steep learning curve. I feel very lucky to still be very much alive four years on. Especially after learning that GBM is the most common type of primary aggressive brain tumour in adults, with a typical survival prognosis of 12 to 18 months.

“But treatment hasn’t really changed in the last couple of decades due to pitiful funding for research.

“I’m supporting Brain Tumour Research as the charity is committed to funding vital research to find more effective treatments and ultimately a cure, while campaigning for increased funding from UK governments.”

Ed has already smashed his fundraising target with more than £6,700 raised on his JustGiving page. To help him top up his total, click here to make a donation.

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Published Friday 6th September 2024.

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