Ho-ho-hold onto your hats because Wear A Christmas Hat Day is back on Friday 15th December 2023! Take part and help us raise some Christmas cheer, as well as funds for vital research.
Dig out your tinsel, grab those Rudolph antlers and get those Santa hats at the ready – it’s time to put a festive spin on our hattastic flagship fundraiser.
Taking part can be as simple as wearing a hat, snapping a selfie to share on social media and donating to Brain Tumour Research.
Or, you could really raise the Christmas spirit and organise a fundraising event for us. Spread joy with a Christmas fundraising party, organise a Christmas market stall and sell our Christmas cards while wearing one of our bespoke KuSan bobble hats, organise a Wear A Christmas Hat Day Santa Dash, host a Christmas hat-themed bake off and enjoy delicious cakes and a cuppa with your colleagues. It’s up to you what your Wear A Christmas Hat Day will look like.

If you can't take part on Friday 15th December, you can still get involved in Wear A Christmas Hat Day on any day in December that works for you! Download versions of our posters and other fundraising resources without a date included by clicking here.
Ready to bring some hattastic sparkle to your December whilst raising vital funds to support an important cause? Donate to support Wear A Christmas Hat Day below.
If you have any questions or need help with your event, please email Matt.howarth@braintumourresearch.org.