How do I get more donations?

1 min read

It’s a proven fact that the more you share your Facebook Fundraiser across your own social platforms, the more successful you will be with your fundraising.

  • Click the ‘share’ button which you’ll see at the top of your Facebook Fundraiser and follow the steps to post it to your own Facebook page and/or copy and paste the link (URL) to share it via email, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or any other social platforms to ask for donations from specific friends, family or colleagues.


  • If you have a personal connection to brain tumours which you don’t mind sharing, tell your story on your social media channels and on your Facebook Fundraiser as you ask for donations – when your friends and family see how much raising vital funds for this cause means to you, they will be inspired to support you


  • As you start the 100 Squats or Star Jumps a Day in November Challenge remember to post about it on your own social media with photos of you taking part, share how many jumps or squats you’ve completed so far and include the link to your Facebook Fundraiser asking people to donate


  • Post photos of your printed tracker with daily or weekly milestones achieved – you could even encourage people to join you explaining that there are so many easy ways they too can achieve 100 Squats or Star Jumps a Day in November and raise vital funds
Don’t forget to share a photo of you in your FREE emoji t-shirt and let people know why you are supporting Brain Tumour Research 
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