Can a child survive DIPG?

1 min read

Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a highly aggressive and malignant brain tumour that primarily affects children. It is located in the pons, a critical area of the brainstem. DIPG is known for its aggressive nature and limited treatment options, which can make it challenging to achieve long-term survival. 

Unfortunately, DIPG has a very poor prognosis, and the overall survival rate remains low. The median survival time from the time of diagnosis is typically less than a year, typically ranging from 9 to 12 months. Despite advancements in treatment and research, the prognosis for DIPG has not significantly improved in recent years. 

The location of the tumour in the brainstem makes surgical removal challenging, and radiation therapy is the primary treatment option. While radiation can provide temporary relief and may help alleviate symptoms, it is not curative for DIPG. 

Various experimental treatments and clinical trials are ongoing to explore potential therapies for DIPG. These may include targeted therapies, immunotherapies, and novel treatment approaches. However, the effectiveness of these treatments is still being studied, and there is currently no standard curative treatment available. 

It's important to note that individual cases can vary, and there have been rare instances of children with DIPG surviving longer than the typical prognosis. However, these cases are exceptional and represent a small percentage of overall DIPG cases. 

If a child is diagnosed with DIPG, it is crucial to work closely with a medical team specializing in pediatric neuro-oncology. They can provide the most up-to-date information on available treatment options, clinical trials, and supportive care measures. The focus of treatment for DIPG is typically on symptom management, optimizing quality of life, and providing supportive care for the child and their family during this difficult time. 

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