Fertility preservation webinar to be hosted by brainstrust

2 min read

Our sister charity brainstrust is holding a free webinar on fertility preservation for brain tumour patients.

Brain tumours are indiscriminate; they can affect anyone at any age. Treatments for brain tumours can impact on fertility for both men and women, and we know this is a concern for many in our community, particularly those diagnosed at a young age.

For those who are concerned by this, brainstrust is running a webinar on fertility preservation at 11am on Thursday 16th May.

The webinar will be led by three leading experts in the areas of fertility, oncology and psychology. Professors Richard Anderson, Rod Mitchell and Georgina Jones will be presenting on the recently published resource Cancer, fertility & me, which was developed to support people make fertility preservation decisions in the wake of a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

Places are free, but there are limited spaces available so tickets must be booked online at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cancer-fertility-and-me-tickets-868254020147

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