APPG on emerging brain tumour therapies

1 min read

Yesterday’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours (APPGBT) focused on emerging brain tumour therapies.

The meeting looked at both cannabis-based medicinal products and the challenge of drug delivery for brain tumour treatment.

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It heard from two experts: Dr Wai Liu from St George’s, University of London, who has been researching medical cannabinoids and their potential anti-cancer properties, and neurosurgeon Will Singleton from the Children’s Brain Tumour Drug Delivery Consortium (CBTDDC).

Mr Singleton spoke about the challenge of drug delivery for brain tumour treatment. He introduced the CBTDDC network, which focuses on raising awareness of this challenge among researchers, funders and policy makers, and also on strengthening collaborations between clinicians and researchers to speed up research progress in this area.

The next APPGBT will take place in July. We will update you with further details closer to the date.

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