Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day

1 min read

In July 2020, Brain Tumour Research joined eight other cancer charity and research organisation invitees, and signed up as registered supporters of The Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce (LSCT).

Today, the LSCT is launching the first ever Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day to raise the profile of the six less survivable cancers (brain, liver, lung, oesophageal, pancreatic and stomach) and to highlight the critical importance of early diagnosis in improving survival.

The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the less survivable cancers (LSCs) and their symptoms with the public, and encourage people to see their GP if they are concerned. The day also aims to raise awareness of LSCs with healthcare professionals, policymakers, and politicians across the four nations.

According to the LSCT, the six less survivable common cancers are responsible for almost half of all cancer deaths and make up a quarter of cancer cases each year in the UK. Furthermore, just 16% of people survive for five years after being diagnosed with these cancers.

Hugh Adams, our Head of Stakeholder Relations, said: “At Brain Tumour Research we agree that we need action to improve survival rates of the less survivable cancers. Our mission to do this is focused on finding a cure for all types of brain tumours through campaigning to increase the national investment in brain tumour research to £35 million per year, while fundraising to create a network of seven sustainable Brain Tumour Research Centres of Excellence across the UK.”

You can track this important awareness day on Twitter by following the hashtags #LessSurvivableCancersAwarenessDay and #CloseTheDeadlyCancerGap

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