Invite your MP to this month's APPGBT meeting

1 min read

This past year has seen the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours (APPGBT), publish the findings of its first-ever Inquiry, hear from the leadership of the Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission and examine some of the latest emerging therapies for brain tumours.

On Tuesday 16th July, MPs are invited to review the last year at the APPGBT’s Annual General Meeting. After the various AGM formalities, the meeting will hear from expert speakers on the topics of the ketogenic diet and new surgical techniques to improve seizure control after a brain tumour.

Please encourage your MP to attend the meeting using this email template.

Please do take the time to invite your MP to the AGM – their presence is necessary to ensure that the APPGBT can function for coming year. This is so important for our community as the APPGBT is a way to hold the government to account to ensure they fulfil their commitments to the brain tumour community. 

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