Epilepsy Research UK launches #ALifeInterrupted campaign

1 min read

Today Epilepsy Research UK launches its new campaign #ALifeInterrupted.

The campaign supports the charity’s new report ‘Shaping the Future of Research into Epilepsy’, which highlights the disruptive, interruptive impact of epilepsy, alarming inequalities in research funding, and how people with epilepsy can shape the future of research.

Many brain tumour patients experience epileptic seizures and know the disruption that these cause. Not only is day-to-day life affected, but an epileptic seizure results in an immediate one year driving ban, which further impacts a patient’s independence.

Hugh Adams, Head of Stakeholder Relations at Brain Tumour Research, said: “We welcome this report. Many in the brain tumour community are well aware of the disruptive impact of epilepsy as following a seizure, often the primary indicator of a brain tumour, the withdrawal of a driving licence is one of the first consequences.

“The 2018 report of the APPG on brain tumours on the financial impact of a brain tumour diagnosis noted that this ‘loss of independence can lead to feelings of isolation and despair’. Furthermore, for 23% of those inputting into the report, a loss of job and income was a result, with the time taken to reinstate licences post-seizure also a major concern.

“Further research into epilepsy should be funded for greater understanding of the condition, and this understanding can inform progress into the understanding of other neurological diseases such as brain tumours.”

The full report can be read on Epilepsy Research UK’s website. You can also join the conversation on Twitter using #ALifeInterrupted.

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