Individual Consent Form For Photography/Filming
I permit Brain Tumour Research, or any of its agents, licensees or assignees, to use photographs and/or video recordings in relation to any events past or future, and/or drawings therefrom and any other reproduction thereof, either complete or in part, alone or in conjunction with any wording and/or drawings for the specific purpose of Brain Tumour Research publications, as well as in perpetuity in all media now known and hereinafter devised throughout the World.
I understand that:
- Images and recordings of me will be held in accordance with the Charity’s data protection and privacy policies
- If I am sharing photos and/or video recordings with Brain Tumour Research then the charity can use them freely as above
- If a Brain Tumour Research representative took the photos and/or video recordings then they will be the copyright of Brain Tumour Research
- I can request Brain Tumour Research stop using images of me at any time, in which case they will not be used in future publications and/or used on the website, but that these images may continue to appear in print and digital publications already in circulation/the public domain. To request this please email or call 01908 867200