Brain cancer patient approaches finish line of month-long challenge

2 min read

A man living with life-changing injuries from brain cancer is nearing the end of a month-long cycle challenge to help find a cure for the disease.

Al Holland is one of hundreds of people who have been putting their pedal power to the test this month as they complete our Cycle 274 Miles in August challenge. For Al (pictured below), it was a chance to “get back on the bike” after his brain tumour diagnosis.

Al Holland with his bike as part of his Cycle 274 Miles in August challenge for Brain Tumour Research


Al’s treatment for a grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma in 2018, which included an awake craniotomy, followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, left him with life-altering memory problems, changes in personality, depression and agoraphobia.

He said: “The last time I rode I had a nervous breakdown. That caused me to sell my bike, and I began to fester in a negative thought pattern. When I saw this challenge and the cause it was supporting, I felt guided and motivated, as if it was the right time for me to get back on a bike and crack on.”

Now monitored with six-monthly scans, Al says he has found a “sense of normality and happiness”.

He is using his challenge to raise awareness of brain tumours and has smashed his fundraising target, raising more than £450 to help find a cure for the disease.

“In general, people do not understand the complexity of brain diseases and therefore, sustaining and maintaining relationships for me has been incredibly difficult. I’ve realised that you can’t change the behaviour of people around you which increases my desire to see a change in effective treatment,” Al added.

To support Al’s fundraising, click here to donate via his JustGiving page.

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Published Thursday 29th August 2024.

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