Betsy is the star of the show

2 min read

Seven-year-old brain tumour patient Betsy Griffin was the VIP guest at a family friendly music festival yesterday.

Betsy took to the stage at Raver Tots Festival in Maldon Essex where she asked the audience if they had seen our Stop the Devastation campaign video, being shown at the festival. She also appealed to festival-goers to join in by doing a stop hand selfie, posting it on social media with #NoMore and then donate £5 to 70085.

Along with sisters Ava, five, and 18-month-old Faith, Betsy got to meet the bands and dance music DJs headlining the festival, including DJ Archie, the ‘world’s youngest DJ’ at six years of age (pictured with Betsy, left, and Ava, right).

Betsy is living with the consequences of damage to her pituitary gland as a result of being diagnosed with an inoperable diffuse optic nerve glioma. As well as having to cope with the challenges of being severely visually impaired, she has to take daily hormone replacement medicines for growth, cortisol and thyroid function.

Her mum Rochelle said: “Betsy was in her element at the festival. She loves dancing, but actually loves singing even more. She has a very eclectic taste in music and, because of her visual impairment, enjoys getting her Amazon Alexa to help her source new tracks to listen to.

“My daughter is a super confident little girl, as is evidenced by her Betsy’s Positive Videos on YouTube, and she really enjoyed the opportunity to raise awareness of the desperate need for greater funding for research into brain tumours.”

To find out more about Stop the Devastation and donate, visit

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