Could you help this Remember A Charity Week?

1 min read

Elizabeth Greenfield lost her son Martin to a brain tumour at the age of 11. He died just weeks after his diagnosis with a high-grade glioma in the brain stem. Now, 25 years on, she is sharing her story and explaining why she has left a gift in her will to Brain Tumour Research.

“Losing Martin removed the fear of my own death and now I feel positive about my own mortality,” said Elizabeth. “When the time came recently to update my Will, as well as providing for my daughter, I was really keen to leave a significant gift in my will to Brain Tumour Research, to ensure it can continue its vital work to find a cure for brain tumours.

“Through my own devastating experience, I became aware of how tragically underfunded research into brain tumours remains. Nothing could be done to save my son and it seems incomprehensible to me that treatment options remain so limited. Grief devastates families and, through my Will, I hope to make a difference to help prevent others going through what we’ve endured. It’s what I know Martin would have wanted.”

Elizabeth’s moving story features in a legacy campaign this Remember A Charity Week in which she is urging others to leave a gift to give hope to others and to help find a cure for brain tumours. 


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