How do I get my first donation?

1 min read

Here are some top tips to help you achieve your first donation and trigger your FREE emoji t-shirt and printed tracker:

  • Donate to your own Facebook Fundraiser to get it off the mark (Facebook recommends this too!) as this will encourage others to donate too and help you achieve your goal


  • Share your Facebook Fundraiser on all of your social platforms with your colleagues, friends and family, letting them know why you are taking on the challenge and explaining that they can support you and donate in just a few clicks - £4 is the minimum donation on a Facebook Fundraiser and anything they can give will make a difference


  • Invite people to your Facebook Fundraiser using the ‘invite’ button at the top of your fundraising page

You can find your Facebook Fundraiser page anytime by clicking here:

For more top fundraising tips throughout the challenge, head to our friendly Facebook Group here:

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