The Unsurvivors: Metastatic brain tumours

1 min read

Breast cancer metastasis - please share your story

Brain Tumour Research would like to hear from all those affected by a metastatic brain tumour resulting from breast cancer. 

Breast cancer can sometimes ‘spread’ (metastasise) to other parts of the body, including the brain. Once breast cancer has spread to somewhere else in the body it is referred to as secondary breast cancer.

If left untreated, secondary breast cancer continues to spread and symptoms are likely to worsen and have a greater impact on daily life.

Following the launch of ‘The Unsurvivors’, a campaign by the charity Breast Cancer Now that sheds light on the lives of those diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, Brain Tumour Research is keen to hear more from those whose breast cancer has spread to their brain.

If you have been diagnosed with a brain tumour that has spread from breast cancer then please use the form below to tell us your story. 

Feel free to talk about any aspects of your experience, from getting diagnosed, how or if you were able to access support and treatment, the impact on your health and how it has changed your life more generally – we like to hear as much as possible about your journey. 

Even if your brain cancer has spread from somewhere other than the breast, we’d still be interested to hear your story. 

If you submit a response, please note that Brain Tumour Research may contact you, using the contact details you provide, to discuss your experiences in more detail.

Together we will find a cure


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Your support is helping us build a network of experts in sustainable brain tumour research and influence the Government and larger cancer charities to invest more nationally. We would love to keep you posted with news on our research, events, campaigns and appeals. Your details will only be used by Brain Tumour Research in adherence with our privacy policy. We will never give your information to other organisations to use for their own purposes. If you already receive marketing communications from us, this will be unaffected by a box being left blank on this form. 

You are free to change your mind at any time by completing our Contact Us form

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