The annual general meeting of the APPG on brain tumours

2 min read

The annual general meeting (AGM) of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours (APPGBT) took place yesterday (14th May) at the House of Commons. As it was an AGM, it required an independent Chair who yesterday evening was Pauline Latham MP OBE.

The APPGBT has met three times since the last AGM and a summary of the activity of the APPG over the last year was heard. Subjects covered have ranged from brain tumour surgery to the new therapeutic Vorasidenib (which was also the subject of an extraordinary meeting of the APPGBT on 13th December) and from neuropathology to focused ultrasound.

The key focus for the coming year for the APPGBT is to continue to push for a detailed response from Government to their 2023 inquiry report, Pathway to a Cure, and an update on the Government’s plans to action the recommendations within the report.

Derek Thomas MP was reconfirmed as the Chair, as were Officers The Lord Polak CBE, Holly Mumby-Croft MP and Sarah Owen MP, and Brain Tumour Research will proudly continue to provide the Secretariat.

With new rules of governance regarding APPGs and their AGMs now in place, yesterday’s meeting had a required quorum of eight Parliamentarians for business to progress. The level of political interest in brain tumours was illustrated by the meeting quorum being met easily by members of the APPG, who are united in their desire to improve outcomes for UK brain tumour patients.

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