Sam puts best foot forward to fundraise

1 min read

A mum-of-three who has lost two loved ones to brain tumours is taking on 10,000 Steps a Day in August. 

Sam Kirby is raising funds for Brain Tumour Research after losing both her mum, Carol Kendrick, and uncle, Philip Kendrick, to the disease.  

Carol (pictured left) was diagnosed with a glioblastoma (GBM) in January 2019. She had radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but sadly passed away in July 2020, aged 58.  

The following July, Philip was diagnosed with a brain tumour having been admitted to hospital suffering with severe confusion. He passed away just six days later, aged 68. 

Now, Sam is taking on the challenge which will see her walk at least 310,000 steps in a month. She’ll be heading out with her twin boys and five-month-old daughter and will visit fun places like the seaside and farm to get her steps in. Sam said: “If I can raise money by walking with my double buggy and baby sling, then why not? It’s not going to hurt me and the hope is it’ll actually help others.” 

Sam has already raised nearly £200 on her JustGiving page. To support her fundraising, please donate by clicking here. 

She added: “Without greater investment in research, we’re never going to find better treatments or a cure for this cruel disease. As a nurse, and someone who has lost their own mother to it, I know what it’s like to watch someone go through that difficult journey. However, I also know there are some people who have a happy ending and, without the money that’s already been invested, that wouldn’t be possible” 

Looking for your next walking fundraiser? Register for our Walk of Hope and step forward with a community of supporters striding towards one common goal – a cure for all types of brain tumours.

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