MP needs support for GBM Bill

2 min read

Dame Siobhain McDonagh MP is asking brain tumour campaigners to write to their MPs asking them to enter the 'Private Members Bill ballot' so they can take forward ‘Margaret's Law’.

Margaret’s Law is named after Siobhain’s sister, Baroness Margaret McDonagh who died of a glioblastoma (GBM) in 2023. It is part of The Glioblastoma Campaign – ‘Margaret’s Final Campaign - a cure for glioblastoma brain cancer within ten years’.

The aim of Margaret's Law is to encourage the pharmaceutical industry to find a cure with the law providing both “carrot and stick”.

The ballot is open on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th September.

All the information you need about Margaret’s Law, a Private Member’s Bill, the ballot, how you can help and what to email to your MP is here.

As Siobhain (pictured below) writes on the campaign website: “We are now on the cusp of a cure for glioblastoma. Raising the funds to run the trials to prove that early successes are replicable and improvable became Margaret’s final campaign. Please help to win it.”

Dame Siobhain McDonagh MP


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Published Friday 30th August 2024.

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