Brainstem Glioma
What is a brainstem glioma?
What does the brain stem do?
Are brain stem glioma tumours benign or cancerous?
What types of brainstem glioma are there?
Frequently Asked Questions:
What causes a brainstem glioma tumour?
The cause of most brainstem gliomas is not known, so unfortunately there are no proven ways to prevent them from occurring.
Some brainstem gliomas arise as a result of having a genetic condition called neurofibromatosis 1. Patients with this condition will have specialists in neurofibromatosis caring for them alongside their neuro-oncology team.
What are the symptoms of brainstem glioma tumours?
Symptoms will depend upon the exact location of the tumour, and hence the areas of the brain and nervous system that it is affecting. Usually patients will present with more than one of the following, and sometimes the symptoms can worsen very quickly (in a matter of days):
- Headaches, often worse in the morning or after lying down, due to hydrocephalus: the build-up of CSF fluid in the brain
- Loss of full control of bodily movements (ataxia and long tract signs): for example problems with walking, using the hands, or what appears to be general clumsiness
- Problems with nerve signals in the face including eyes (cranial nerve palsies): for example a crooked smile, a drooping eyelid or an upward gaze
- Difficulties with chewing or swallowing
- Slurred speech or other difficulties with speaking
- Vomiting, for example soon after waking up in the morning or after doing strenuous exercise.
What is the prognosis for brainstem gliomas?
As this is a very diverse group of tumours, prognosis for the group as a whole is not available because survival times vary hugely. The prognosis for a brainstem glioma is dependent upon a range of factors, primarily the location and grade of the tumour.
A low-grade focal brainstem glioma usually has a prognosis of many years, extended by the help of successful surgery to remove as much of the tumour as possible.
The overall survival for pontine gliomas is 10% at 5 years.
The prognosis for a grade 4 DIPG (diffuse midline glioma) may be as short as a few months, and 90-100% patients die within 2 years of diagnosis. This is why so much research is focused on finding a cure for this incredibly challenging form of brain tumour.
How will we find a cure for brainstem glioma tumours?
Research we are funding across all of our dedicated Research Centres will help lead towards finding a cure for a wide range of brain tumours.
Pioneering research at our Brain Tumour Research Centre at Queen Mary University of London is focused on using glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) stem cells to help develop unique, patient-specific treatments. GBMs are the most aggressive type of glioma brain tumour in adults. Findings are expected to translate into other types of adult and paediatric brain tumours.
Our team at the University of Plymouth Brain Tumour Research Centre is researching a number of molecular pathways that influence immune system function, tumour metabolism and tumour growth in a range of low-grade brain tumours in children and adults. This includes how gliomas begin, and how they transform from low-grade to high-grade.
The team of research and clinical experts in our Research Centre at Imperial College, London are studying the way in which the ketogenic diet works in brain tumours including DIPG. Their work on drugs that reduce levels of arginine, an amino acid in the blood, may also have the potential to influence a wide range of brain tumours.
We also fund BRAIN UK at Southampton University, the country’s only national tissue bank registry providing crucial access to brain tumour samples for researchers from all clinical neuroscience centres in the UK, effectively covering about 90% of the UK population, and an essential component in the fight to find a cure for all types ofbrain tumours.