Urgent action to address the cost-of-living crisis

2 min read

Ahead of the Government’s delayed autumn statement, Brain Tumour Research has joined a number of charities in signing an open letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The letter highlights some of the challenges for those living with neurological conditions in relation to the cost-of-living crisis. These people face extra costs – which may include higher utility bills, extra transport costs and insurance premiums – estimated at an additional £200 a week. What’s more, energy prices are more than 50% up on what they were this time last year and, according to ONS figures, inflation is at 10.1%, with food prices up 14.5%.

Brain Tumour Research published a report in 2018 which looked at the financial impact of a brain tumour diagnosis. We found that being diagnosed with a brain tumour, as one supporter said “was not really the worst thing”. Brain tumours affect patients’ ability to work, to get around and to access drugs. Further costs were incurred due to extra home help and childcare. The situation has only worsened due to the impact of the current cost-of-living crisis.

The Government’s Energy Price Guarantee was both welcome and necessary, but we believe it needs to go further still. Those unable to work because of their neurological condition are seeing real term cuts to their income, as benefits are expected to fall at least 6% behind inflation this year. 

Recommendations in the letter include increasing levels of Disability Cost of Living Payments and extending the Warm Homes Discount to ensure those living with neurological conditions do not face fuel poverty. It urges the Chancellor “to provide additional support for the one in six of us living with a neurological condition as part of the Fiscal Plan”.


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