Trio complete The 3 Lochs Ultra

1 min read

Three men have conquered a 50-mile continuous hike to raise funds in memory of their friend’s son, who died from a brain tumour at the age of just 11.

Richard Boyd, Willie Anderson and Stewart Warwick took on the inaugural 3 Lochs Ultra at the weekend to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research. They were motivated by 11-year-old Matthew Gardner, the son of their good friends Susan and Andy Gardner. Matthew died from an aggressive medulloblastoma in March 2015, just 11 months after his diagnosis.

Following Matthew’s tragic death, £10,000 was collected for Brain Tumour Research at his funeral. It was his parents’ decision for the trio to support the charity with The 3 Lochs Ultra Challenge.

Amazingly, Richard, Willie and Stewart completed the challenge in 19 hours and raised more than £7,500 – beating their target on their JustGiving page.

Richard said: “We feel particularly chuffed to have achieved our goal, as we’re all sporting various injuries. I recently cracked my ribs after crashing my electric scooter and Willie and Stewart injured their legs on a practice walk. Our wives thought we were extremely foolish for taking it on but with so much generously-donated money on the table, we earned their support. The fundraising spurred us on throughout, in the knowledge that our efforts were contributing towards finding a cure for this devastating disease.”

If you have been inspired by this epic challenge, please donate to the team’s JustGiving page:

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