Son’s epic 365-day running challenge

1 min read

A man is taking on a year-long running challenge to help find a cure for brain tumours after losing his dad to the disease.

Glenn Wooding, 36, is running 5km every day for a year to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research. His fundraising is in memory of his dad, Terry, who died of a brain tumour in 2003. Glenn started his challenge on 12th September – his dad’s birthday.

He said: “I’ve seen just how devastating the illness can be first-hand and I wouldn’t want someone else to experience what we did as a family.”

Father-of-three Terry died in 2003, aged 59, after being diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) eight months earlier. His diagnosis came after he suffered a seizure whilst on a family holiday in France.

Charlie Allsebrook, our Community Development Manager, said: “Glen was just 17 when he lost his dad to a brain tumour and it is admirable now he’s older, with a family of his own, to see him doing what he can to prevent others from enduring the same heartbreak. Too many people are faced with this devastating diagnosis each year and it is only with the support of people like Glen that we are able to continue funding vital research into brain tumours. We’re extremely grateful for his support and wish him the best of luck for the next nine months.”

Glenn has already raised nearly £1,000 on his JustGiving page. To support his epic challenge, please donate here.


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