“Brilliant friend” inspires pair’s marathon efforts

1 min read

Two young men will lace up their trainers to run 26.2 miles in memory of their schoolfriend who died from a brain tumour.

Jordan Hilton and Aaron Duffy are preparing to run the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 2nd April. They are doing it to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research inspired by their “brilliant friend” Dan Franklin.

Dan was diagnosed with an inoperable glioblastoma (GBM) in October 2020. He underwent chemotherapy and two rounds of radiotherapy, but his health began to deteriorate from August 2021. He died at home three months later on 26th November 2021, aged 26.

Jordan said: “Dan absolutely despised running so he’d definitely be having a laugh at us for doing this. On the other hand, he was so shy and reserved that he’d probably say he didn’t want us to do it for him. He hated being centre stage but we loved him to bits and want to do it.”

Aaron, who will also run the Manchester Marathon for Brain Tumour Research two weeks after the Brighton event added:

“It was the timescale of Dan’s illness that really struck us. He went from being there to chat to every day, a mate with nothing wrong with him, to having all these weird symptoms all of a sudden. He died during COVID-19, when we couldn’t be with him much, which was one of the hardest things.

“I found it really impressive how his dad, Tony, started raising awareness and funds for Brain Tumour Research straight after Dan passed. Seeing him do that and the positive impact it’s had on his psyche made me think it’s wrong of us not to try and help in any way we can too.”

The pair are hoping to raise at least £2,740, which represents the equivalent of sponsoring a day of research at one of our Centres of Excellence. To support their efforts, please donate via www.justgiving.com/team/doitfordan

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