Join our new summer cycling challenge

2 min read

We’re excited to be launching our new summer fundraising challenge, Cycle 274 Miles in August.

Get out, get pedalling and raise vital funds for Brain Tumour Research to help find a cure for this devastating disease.

This virtual challenge can be completed in a way that suits you. Cycle outdoors, on a static bike at home, or at the gym. Cycle on your own or combine your pedal power with your family, friends or colleagues – it’s up to you!

You could cover the same distance every day or do different distances on different days. Spread your challenge throughout the whole month or challenge yourself to try to complete all 274 miles in a single week.

Sign up and set up a Facebook Fundraiser for Brain Tumour Research, then we’ll send you a FREE Brain Tumour Research cycling jersey and printed mile tracker. If you raise £274 or more, you’ll also receive a special medal in September in recognition of your amazing efforts.

To sign up for the challenge, join our Cycle 274 Miles in August Facebook Group and follow the three simple steps to get started.

For more information, our top fundraising tips and FAQs, please visit our Cycle 274 Miles in August webpage here.

Please ensure you follow the current Government COVID-19 guidelines whilst completing the challenge.

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