Inventive fundraisers go virtual during lockdown

1 min read

We are always indebted to our great army of supporters who stand with us in our vision to find a cure for brain tumours. During the current coronavirus pandemic we have seen so many people go to great and inventive lengths to change their fundraising plans in order to continue with events during lockdown and social distancing to bring in much-needed donations to Brain Tumour Research.

And as an organisation we know all about this – we had very little time to pivot our plans for Wear A Hat Day in March but were delighted with the response as we took the event online.

Town Councillor and former Mayor Mark Blakeston, from Driffield, had been planning to repeat his successful event from the previous year to walk the Wolds Way with friends and family. Mark has suffered a double tragedy having lost his father John, to a brain tumour 30 years ago at the age of 53 and his uncle, Frank, who passed away in December 2018.

The lockdown meant Mark was unable to go ahead with his ambitious challenge but, determined not to give up, he transformed his walk into a virtual event with family members taking part in their own gardens and houses.


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