Amateur cyclists’ 100-mile ride to help find a brain tumour cure

2 min read

A group of amateur cyclists will today (26th May) undertake a 100-mile cycle inspired by a dad who is undergoing chemotherapy for a brain tumour.

Novice biker Ahi Anpananthar, together with friends Vanar Mahendran, 39, Sham Albert, 37, and Sanal Das, 36, all from London, will hit the road for the Ford RideLondon-Essex 100 in aid of Brain Tumour Research.

Father-of-two Ahi only started cycling five months ago. The programme manager for Apple said: “Although I’m active with Sunday league football and gym workouts, this will be completely out of my comfort zone and a huge challenge. I’m literally going from zero to 100.”

Team ‘V sore-ASS’ – a name coined using the initials of team members taking part – is inspired by Ahi’s brother-in-law, 38-year-old Sam Suriakumar, who is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for a glioma.

Sam, from Worcester Park in South West London, was diagnosed in February 2020 after suffering a cluster of grand mal seizures whilst on the train on his way home from work.

The father of two underwent surgery and radiotherapy and was being monitored on a ‘watch and wait’ approach until a scan in July 2023 showed his tumour had grown.

Ahi (below with Sam) said: “Sam has been through so much over the last four years, but he always manages to have a smile on his face. He’s a constant beam of positivity, dropping words of encouragement in our group chat wishing us luck on training rides, and always thanking us.”

In 2023, Ahi and Sam completed the TCS London Marathon in under five hours, raising more than £14,000 for Brain Tumour Research. In the same year, Sam was named as our Supporter Ambassador.

Ahi added: “I know there are so many people who are part of the brain tumour community and beyond who have been inspired by the resilience in which Sam has shown throughout his diagnosis. I speak for the whole team when I say the saddle sores are worth it if we can help shine a light on the underfunding of research into brain tumours to ultimately help find a cure for this horrendous disease.”

To donate to Brain Tumour Research via Ahi’s challenge, please visit:

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