Charities vital in supporting clinical trials

1 min read

The important role of charities in developing and supporting clinical trials is highlighted in a new blog post on our website.

It takes considerable effort, time and money for a new scientific discovery to be translated into a new treatment and a wide range of organisations, including charities, play vital roles at various stages of the ‘bench to bedside’ pipeline.

Our vision is to find a cure for brain tumours and we know it is the discovery science and early-stage translational research that will enable us to make the breakthroughs that will lead us closer to a cure.

At our Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence at Imperial College we are supporting a clinical trial investigating a range of non-invasive optical methods during neurosurgery, specifically during brain tumour debulking / resection. It is likely that further new clinical trials will be set up over the next few years based on significant findings from the work of our Research Centres.

Read more about the vital role that charities play in supporting clinical trials here.

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