One Cancer Voice writes to Secretary of State ahead of 10-Year Cancer Plan

2 min read
Brain Tumour Research has joined more than 50 cancer charities in signing a letter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care on the forthcoming 10-Year Cancer Plan.

The letter from the One Cancer Voice coalition comes as the final details of the plan are being considered. It urges Sajid Javid MP to ensure that the plan meets the criteria the group set out as being “essential to deliver on your ambition of having the best cancer care in Europe”.

These criteria include that the plan is fully planned, costed and funded; that there are no more shortages in the cancer workforce; and that ambition is matched by accountability.

Underpinning these criteria is a set of 10 important tests the coalition has developed, as detailed in this graphic.

The coalition writes that “you have the opportunity to help bring forward a future where people affected by cancer in England have truly world leading cancer outcomes and experience” and reiterates its belief that if these criteria are met, then the “first great stride towards this” will have been taken.

Read the letter online here.

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