Month-long marathon for mum

2 min read

As we enter the final days of our Jog 26.2 Miles in May challenge, we’re cheering on those supporters who are approaching the finish line.

Amongst those who have been pushing themselves to complete a marathon throughout the month is Charlotte Kellock.

She signed up inspired by her mum, Maxine, who was diagnosed with a glioblastoma (GBM) in April 2020. Maxine underwent debulking surgery and had been due to start radiotherapy when she developed pulmonary embolisms in both lungs and died in July 2020, aged 63.

Sadly, Charlotte’s best friend, Michael Ives, is now fighting the same disease having been diagnosed with two GBMs in February 2022 after suffering a seizure.

Despite claiming she is not a natural runner, Charlotte (pictured with her daughter Amelie) says she now feels inspired to run the London Marathon for Brain Tumour Research next year. 

She added that she has been “blown away” by the support on her fundraising page where she has raised more than £500.

“I feel like if everyone did a bit, there would be more hope for patients in the future. Currently there’s very little hope, which is extremely sad. The doctors don’t know what to do and treatment options are limited,” said Charlotte.

“My mum had exactly the same treatment plan as Michael, even though their tumours were in different places and different sizes. It’s not right that we’re so far behind with this. We need better treatments and greater awareness – people need to realise how common brain tumours are.”


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