Government responds to major brain tumour petition

1 min read
The Government responded to Jessica Campling’s e-petition, calling for more funding into brain tumour research. Thank you to all of our 15,293 supporters who signed the petition, reminding politicians that we’re never going to stop fighting for a cure.

The Government has confirmed that the Department of Health’s Task and Finish Working Group will be reporting to Ministers before September. Brain Tumour Research are key members of the Group and we are continuing to make clear that patients and their families want the investment in, and impact of, brain tumour research to be increased significantly.

Just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease. This is unacceptable! The Government has stated that cancer research funding to the National Institute of Health Research totalled £142 million in 2015/16, yet the historical underfunding of brain tumour scientists has continued.

Jessica started her e-petition following her brother, James’s, diagnosis with a grade four glioblastoma multiforme. As James continues to live his life to the full, Brain Tumour Research will continue to champion patients’ demands and please be assured we will hold the next Government accountable.

Read the response in full here:

(Left) James Campling, (right) James's dad, Gareth Campling
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