Cancer 52 launch second patient survey

1 min read

Cancer 52, the alliance of nearly 100 organisations working to provide one collaborative voice for rare and less common cancers, has launched a survey to understand how the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic is impacting patients.

Jane Lyons, Chief Executive of Cancer 52, said: “We have developed the patient survey to cover changes to treatment and care, whether people have needed to be tested or isolate before treatment, the impact of the pandemic on different aspects of their lives, and the latest advice to different vulnerable groups.

“This is the second survey we have run since the onset of coronavirus. The first was in the summer of 2020 and we used the results in discussion with the NHS and the Government to push for the best possible care and treatment for people with rare and less common cancers in all circumstances, and will do the same again with this second survey.

“Thank you to everyone from the brain tumour community who has supported our surveys or will do. It is only through patient and family feedback that we can build up a complete picture of the epidemic’s impact on our community and feed that back to the policy makers, who can then factor that into future plans and strategies.”

Brain Tumour Research is proud to be a member of Cancer 52 as we work to ensure the voice of the brain tumour community is heard. Please follow this link to the survey which closes on Wednesday 16th December 2020.

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