Brain Tumour Research attends inaugural event in Northern Ireland

2 min read

Brain Tumour Research this week attended an inaugural face to face meeting of the Northern Ireland Cancer Charities Coalition.

Since power sharing was restored at Stormont, at the end of January, the province has seen a renewed sense of optimism, hope and purpose. As a cancer coalition, we want to discover our common voice and work together for the good of the cancer community in Northern Ireland.

Without a fully functioning Executive, the government was only able to offer short-term, temporary solutions. Now is the time to look at more durable policy and commitments, with the aim of improving outcomes for cancer patients including brain tumour patients.

Barbara Roulston, Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Cancer Research UK (CRUK), spoke about the immediate aims of the Coalition which are:

  • To ensure that the Northern Ireland Cancer Strategy, which was published two years ago, is fully implemented
  • To review the cancer workforce in Northern Ireland
  • That the role of cancer charities is understood and appreciated

Dr Tomas Adell, Director of Elective Care and Cancer Policy – Department of Health Northern Ireland, explained that cancer care needed to be transformed in Northern Ireland. He said: “It is about identifying what we’re doing well, and do more of it. But it’s also about being honest and discovering our shortfalls.”

He added that the Department was in the late stages of producing a research strategy with publication expected next month.

Our Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Thomas Brayford, said: “The forming of the Northern Ireland Cancer Charities Coalition is the right move at the time for the cancer community in Northern Ireland and it remains vital that cancer patients are at the heart of all plans to drive policy forward.”

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