Family’s Walk of Hope in tribute of loving dad

1 min read

The family of a man who lost his life to a brain tumour is joining our Walk of Hope to raise vital funds in his memory.

Following his diagnosis with a grade 4 astrocytoma, Andrew Mackie underwent multiple surgeries, as well as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Sadly, nothing could save him and Andrew died in February 2003, aged 44.

Now, Andrew’s wife, Moira, and daughters, Sarah and Laura, are taking part in our Walk of Hope as a tribute to their loving husband and father. They are planning an eight-mile walk along the old railway line from Dinnet, the village in Aberdeenshire where Andrew was from, to Cambus o’May which is where Moira grew up.

Sarah said: “It will be an emotional day, but in a good way, to try and help spread the word for Brain Tumour Research as much as we can. We want to do it for Dad and other people who are going through the exact same thing we went through.”

The family has already raised more than £600 on their JustGiving page – doubling their original target – and their story has been shared in their local news, including the Evening Express, Press and Journal, and Deeside Piper.

There’s still time to register for our Walk of Hope and raise funds to help us get closer to a cure for brain tumours. Click here to find out more and sign up today.

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