Brain tumour survivors complete amazing 100km challenge

1 min read

Two amazing brain tumour survivors have completed an ultra-marathon to raise funds to help find a cure for the disease.

Sara Crosland and Danielle Gibbons completed the Lake District Ultra Challenge last weekend to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research. Their mammoth challenge saw them run a hill 100km route around the Lake District, climbing an elevation of 2,500m.

They were inspired to fundraise because both women were left with life-changing effects after being diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma. Writing on their fundraising page before the challenge, they said they were “more determined than ever to do as much as we possibly can to raise awareness of brain tumours, along with vital funds for this incredible charity”.

In 2018, Sara (pictured) was left unable to walk, with impaired vision and balance, as well as permanent profound hearing loss following a haemorrhage and surgery to remove a 3.5cm tumour. She has since conquered some amazing challenges, including a 55km charity run last year.

Former professional footballer, Danielle was just 23 when she underwent surgery in 2015. Afterwards she was left completely deaf in her left ear and had to redevelop the ability to walk unaided. She met Sara through her role as an ambassador for the British Acoustic Neuroma Association (BANA).

There’s still time if you would like to support the duo’s efforts. Please click here to donate via their JustGiving page.

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