Use of mobile phones does not increase brain tumour incidence

1 min read

A follow-up of a large-scale prospective study on the association between mobile phone use and brain tumours has this week published its data.

During 1996-2001, 1.3 million women born in the UK between 1935-1950 were recruited into the study. Questions on mobile phone use were first asked in 2001 and again in 2011, and access to the health records on the National Health Service’s databases of all those involved in the study was provided to inform on deaths and cancer registrations.

Of the women recruited in the original study, 776 ,156 were studied for a further 14 years. From this study, published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers from Oxford Population Health and International Agency for Research on Cancer have reported that there is no increased risk of brain tumours overall or by brain tumour subtype or its locations in mobile phone users, compared to those who have never used one.

These results mirror those from the only other published prospective study in The BMJ in 2011 and supports the growing evidence that mobile phone use under usual conditions does not increase brain tumour risk.

The study can be read in full online here.

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